Temple Fork Outfitters No Fault Warranty:
The TFO No-Fault Warranty is for the life of the ORIGINAL, REGISTERED owner of the rod and is not transferable should the rod be sold as used.
Before a warranty claim can be submitted these two requirements must be met:
You must be the original owner and able to prove as such.
You must have registered a warranty preferably with Optimax Distributors.
In the event that you break your rod, simply return the rod to Optimax Distributors and the broken section will be repaired or replaced. The warranty cost is based on the current exchange rate, international shipping and taxes as well as the current U.S. dollar price. This cost does not include local courier or postage costs. You must send in your entire rod as we do not sell individual sections. Your rod should be packaged in such a way as to avoid any further damages.
We recommend that all rods are insured against loss and damages when sending in for warranty service.